The Biography and Testimony of Kenneth B Visscher concerning his life experience in spiritual war and of wearing the armour of the spirit found in Ephesians 6: 10 – 18.


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Part #1,
Part #3,
Part #4
Part #5
Part #6
Part #7
Part; #8
Christ Spoiled All Principality and Power
Continuing Ken's 18th Year
A Brief Jump Ahead
The Great Revelation
Ken meets his wife
Wedding Day


Rejoice in the Lord alway: [and] again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.  Phil 4:4-9,


(Testimony continued from Part #1)

It must be understood that after so long a time much cloud in memory develops to recall details. The purpose in coming up to sharing Ken’s 18th year was not to dwell on the negatives, but rather to come to a point where the Lord, by “revelation”, shows His will concerning spiritual war and conflict. The vast majority of mankind has no notion of what spiritual war is nor of how it can effect a person. Ken was different in that he was targeted from his youth for these battlements.


Now Christ has openly spoiled all principality and power, the spirits of wickedness in high places. He by the triumph of Calvary spoiled them openly and took from them their power. So how is it that there can be spiritual war? Because it is not just an act of appropriating Christ’s victory by faith, it is also incumbent for anyone who desires to walk in purity to also gain the same ground Christ gained by OBEDIENCE. Obedience to the Lord, the gospel and to the calling for a pure and a right walk without any religious effort. The powers that assailed Jesus were defeated by Jesus and now by us in the same vein of conquest and by careful assessment of our lives in truth and obedience to His word. Christ holds their power, no one else does, and He uses it to try our faith and to test our resolve to be found in Him without spot or wrinkle. If the world had only just joy, it would not learn or know patience or wisdom in directing the affairs of life into an obedient walk. It is no longer a sin question, it is an obedience question. The powers of the air remain in this place in order to be used of Christ to try His people and to test them and to see who it is that will obey His word, walk forth in the armor provided in Ephesians 6:10-18. The minions along with Satan are sent by the Lord to thwart our walk so that we WILL obey the Lord and don the instruments of war and not give place to their assaults. This does sound strange, but it is part of the future experience of being caught up in total victory forever over them according to the coming of Christ in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Ken’s doctrine is that the final total triumph of victory which equates itself with Christ’s first victory is this catching up to rule and reign over all other powers. Catching up, not in body, but in total eternal and complete victory. The “body” catching up (what Ken terms the “true rapture”), is the change of the physical body into a glorified body, a body which bears the weight and the volume of the personality of God; which body remains ON the earth for the age that is dawning. Such is the world of spiritual war and the word of faith which is preached to keep the Overcomers in victory over all other such powers that come to dissuade the people of God.


The purpose of this testimony paper is to reveal that war and the victory we have in it day by day. Ken’s life has been fraught with such wars, the magnitude and the length of them has at times been staggering to fathom. However, each and every war has been totally and victoriously conquered by Ken in his faith and in the power of Christ’s resurrection. Not one war has ever been lost. The appropriation of the cross and of the separation of flesh from spirit in Ken’s life made him much more of a target for the assaults that would come by negative spiritual conquests against him. Much more so in measure were these conquests due to the calling upon Ken’s life to deliver to the body of Christ a prophetic word in season which would prepare the Lord’s Overcomers for the appearing of Jesus. Ken’s calling was to set forth prophetic utterance which would meld the body of Christ into unity destroying any false fabrication of that body and enabling the members of that body to walk in the fullness of spirit. It was the mantle of Elijah upon Ken that made him an open target more so than most.

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Continuing On Ken’s 18th Year

(Recalling the 4 month visitation of the Lord)

During this visitation the Lord concentrated much of His time in communion with Ken on the verses found in Daniel 2, Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3. During this visitation the Lord laid out to Ken how the mantle of prophecy would be used to encourage and enliven the body of Christ to give them impetus and hope to overcome and to be prepared for the coming of Christ. The emphasis was that the coming of Christ was the focal point, the goal of the prophecies. The entire scope of prophecy concerning the peril of the time would be overshadowed by the hope of His appearing in perfection and without sin to those who were prepared for that coming and that part of Ken’s ministry was to assist in this preparation. With much emphasis upon the Lord being alone exalted and glorified, the Lord made real to Ken that he would live to see these things come to pass. It is not that Ken is not willing to go by way of the grave, but that promise was made that the culmination of this present age and of the ending of the church age would be witnessed during his lifetime as a direct promise and trust that the Lord was making with His faithful people. The Lord emphasized that there would be much deafness in the earth and that many would not understand or follow the straight and narrow pathway which Ken’s prophecies would lay out. As a result, only they who were able to “hear” Ken’s words of prophecy would be counted as ones who overcame as Christ overcame. This does not negate the salvation of the world, it only reveals the order in which the Lord will do all His will.


Some of the time during the 4 month visitation was spent by the Lord in revealing to Ken the age that is to dawn, the age of the Kingdom of God in the earth with Christ and the Overcomers ruling upon it. Ken saw by the spirit that this age would encompass all other nations, all extinct nations and all nations now present. That the Kingdom of God represented by The New Jerusalem (the true body of Christ), and the promise of it being made one with the earth would be a reality. Now Ken had already been through 5 near death experiences by his 18th year and he was willing to go a sixth time and pass away from this world, but the Lord emphasized several times that he would live to see these things, no indication of death of the body was given to Ken however he remains willing for that if it be the Lord’s will for him. The dawning and settling of the Kingdom of God will end death in this world for all nations, not just the overcoming people of the Lord, but all nations in general will come into this great liberty of life. The systems of men that men had made outside of the will of God would end abruptly, their monetary systems and their power systems would all be spoken against by the word of Christ from the Throne of eternity. Nothing of man’s doing outside of the Kingdom would survive these days. However this would not be done in a haphazard way, but done in simplicity, the Lord replacing what is lost with that which is much better of His dominion. So the next age was revealed this way.


Also revealed this way was the coming of Christ to be admired in they that believe and to see the abomination that makes desolate end. Ken saw that the splendid image that Nebuchadnezzar had in his dream would end in his day, the entire image would be destroyed by the stone cut out of the mountain and hurled at its feet. The coming of Christ would openly destroy anything that was contrary to the Kingdom of God. Such a coming would be sudden, instant and would give glorified bodies to the Saints who remain on the earth and those who died in times past, they would be raised up into the same glorified bodies first. Now Ken had some doubts as to whether or not he would truly see these things come to pass, however the Lord assured him during this visitation that the only thing he was to do was to take each day at a time and walk forward, the Holy Spirit would do all the rest including the work of prophecy. A great testimony of the power of Christ in Ken’s life would become apparent to some who would see it and therefore a bolstering up of their hope in Christ’s appearing would happen. 


One more area the Lord made real to Ken was the act and the necessity of “solitude”. That Ken would lead a very solitary and private life with the Lord and in the revelation of His word through spoken words, thoughts and by many visions and many times being caught up into the heavenly realms. The Lord laid out to Ken that he would never have many people around him who would have fellowship with him, but he was not to fear that for the Lord was joining him to those of like precious faith. The body of Christ for this time would remain distanced one from another while the fires of God would burn up the dross in each life through trial. Words of prophecy through Ken’s ministry would be given in season to the body to encourage them along the way. The Lord told Ken that he would be very solitary as He had made that real when Ken was but 7 years of age when Christ appeared to him, Ken literally had no one to tell it to except that his United Church minister knew it had happened. But at the very same time the Lord also said that Ken’s words would “cover the earth”. There was no internet in those days, no personal computer, no vast system of communication device so Ken wondered how he would travel by jet to nations to prophecy? It was a mystery to him. Later on in Ken’s 30’s he would learn the skills needed to build a website all in order that the words the Lord was giving him could be put on the internet and printed out by paper. At this present time in 2012 there are no less than 23,000 visitors at his site at any given moment of the day and the writings are being printed off in 15 languages. There have been seasons of time where over 150,000 people each hour were visiting and printing off of Ken’s site from all the major continents in the world. Computers would translate the pages into whatever language was needed for this printing to happen.  All Ken did was “believe” the Lord’s words according to this when he was but 18 years of age. These whom the Lord knows about visiting and reading the writings are ones the Lord has drawn there. Ken has been amazed at how hidden people and people who are alone and in solitude find his site and many have spoken to him in person, but many more have not but remain quiet to this day. It matters not for the Lord told Ken during this 4 month visitation that these things would happen.

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A Brief Jump Ahead

(Two miracles)

(1st miracle)

Later on in Ken’s life were two miraculous happenings which will be interjected here, then to Ken’s 19th year.

(When Ken was in his late 20,s or early 30’s)

During the early part of Ken’s first sons life, Joshua, the Lord spoke to Ken to go in the car and drive to the city of Kelowna. At the time Ken and Janis lived in Salmon Arm. This was during one of the 7 year periods of time where Ken did not have sideways fellowship, but it was now at the end of the second - 7 year period. This was the second of 3 periods, 7 years each wherein the Lord shut Ken away alone in solitude with His spirit alone. So at the end of the 2nd term of the 7 years of solitude this word had come to Ken to drive to Kelowna.


Ken went down there alone and drove into the parking lot of a main shopping mall there. Ken prayed that the Lord’s will would be done here as he had come to Kelowna and now waited for the Lord to next move. He walked out of his car and began to walk down the sidewalk away from the shopping mall. A man came walking towards Ken and said hello. Ken said hello back. The man said that he was holding meetings across the highway from the mall in the Sandman Inn Motel conference room and if Ken wanted, he could attend. The man was Ray Prinzing, a man Ken never met before nor knew of.


When Ken was in his 2nd term of being 7 years separate unto the Lord, there was during 3 occasions a plumber on a construction site who would say only but one or two sentences to Ken. This plumber was the only one that confirmed to Ken that the Lord has separated him alone to be processed by His hand in preparation for his ministry. After Ken had met Mr. Prinzing he went to the meeting hall and there was the plumber amongst many others! So this 2nd term of 7 years ended that day at that meeting room where Ken met Ray and Doris Prinzing. Ray Prinzing ministered to the Body of Christ exactly 40 years. Ken met Ray TO THE DAY at the exact 20 year, or half way mark of Ray’s ministry! Right on the very day! It was after this meeting that Janis came into the deeper truths of the Lord also and she began to read Prinzing’s papers. Prinzing had many books and the paper was called “Gospel Echoes”. Later Prinzing changed it to “Letters of Truth”. On five occasions Ken attended Prinzing meetings in the Okanagan Valley. On the last meeting Prinzing had in a city called Penticton, Ken’s son Josh came. Josh had a vision there and he saw the ceiling of the hall removed and the heavens were opened to him and he saw Jesus beckoning for worship to ascend to Him. As Josh saw this the level of worship increased dramatically in the room. Not long after this Prinzing retired from the ministry and has since gone home to be with the Lord forever.

(End 1st miracle)

(2nd miracle)

(When Ken was around 25 years of age)

“This is very short. Ken went to the post office in the early part of the 1980’s and received a huge parcel from a man named George Hawtin of northern Saskatchewan. The books, nor the man had ever been known to Ken previous, they came unexpectedly so someone must have provided Hawtin the address. Ken and George never met face to face, but George’s parents lived in the town of Summerland BC near to where Ken lives now. Anyways, back to the blue books, 31 books of Hawtin’s writings to the body over the course of his ministry. A letter was on top of the stack. The letter was hand written by Hawtin who told Ken that the Lord had spoken to him that Ken was a prophet unto the Body of Christ to prepare His people for the coming of Jesus during the days of tribulation ahead. After that letter many more letters were sent by Hawtin personally to Ken to instruct and ready him for this work that he would be doing in the body of Christ in the days to come and also Hawtin gave to Ken the confirmation of the anointing that Ken had received when he was 7 years of age and that Ken’s ordination was not of man or man’s systems, but that his ordination was of the Holy Ghost. So Hawtin wrote much and did much to prepare Ken for this ministry. George Hawtin has also since gone to be with the Lord.

(End 2nd miracle)

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The Great Revelation

While Ken was still in his 18th year and after the incident of the kidnapping and the witch mentioned in part #1, Ken found himself being taken from his parent’s home to the hospital by the family doctor. The trauma of the witch was such that Ken had a very hard breakdown. Even though the police had rescued him, he still was under severe trauma. For 2 weeks bed rest in the hospital Ken remained. Through all the time of rest and quiet and all the peace Ken sought for after such an ordeal as that the Lord once again rose by His spirit in Ken’s understanding and He began to speak. Ken calls this “The Great Revelation”. The Lord then revealed to Ken how the scriptures, written so long ago, were pertinent right up to the very minute a person lives in when it comes to walking out their spiritual walk. “I gave the armor of the spirit for a reason!” the Lord expressed to Ken. So there in his hospital bed Ken went over the scriptures that told us of the armor of the spirit found in the book of Ephesians, that the war against the Saints was a real war, that nothing was automatic. Christ paid the cost for our full redemption and the redemption of all mankind and He also had complete triumph over all the power of any and all enemies and He also conquered death. It remains however needful for the people of God to walk this out in their own lives, as the Apostle Paul said, Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”  Phil 2:12. The revelation was that we have not only an enemy, but our carnal minds in unison with that same enemy to thwart our forward walk and faith. We are to obey the scriptures and denounce anything that would set our footsteps into any territory or walk in doctrine that is contrary to the truth found in Christ.

Kenneth B Visscher at the age of 18

So the Lord made real to Ken that there is war both on the earth over the lives of His Saints, but also in the very heavens themselves. It is not because the Lord gained total victory over all other things and that victory is under assault by the enemy, but that the victory gained is one that is lied about and stolen from the minds and hearts of those who would walk by faith and not by sight. This assault and this stealing away into lukewarm conditions is done by negative powers which attempt to cause God’s people to fall out of love with God. Hence the lesson was given in spirit to Ken as he lay on that hospital bed.


Not only was that given, but the Lord then had Ken apply each piece of the armor to himself in prayer and by profession, laying each piece in order over his entire person. Since that time in Ken’s 18th year the armor has never come off, not even once, nor at any time. It has always been on perpetually since that time. That does not mean that wars did not happen nor delusions come to delude, but it did mean that eventually victory would come to Ken in no matter what circumstance he would come across in the years ahead of his life. The reason for the armor found in Ephesians 6:10-18 is because THERE IS WAR. If there was no war, then why the armor? So then laying each piece of armor on by the spirit, Ken also had vision, and in the vision he saw spiritually each piece being applied. That is because the war on the Saints is real. In the vision of Ken putting on the armor he also saw the Lord Jesus wearing the same armor, even though He rose the triumphant King of Kings, He was also still wearing armor as the head of this Army. Numerous visions over the years since Ken has seen Jesus in that same armor.


So the time neared the end of the hospital stay and Ken laid out a petition before the Lord. He agreed to all the Lord was asking of him, to prophecy, to be an end time prophet, to walk bearing the mantle of Elijah as the Lord had laid it on him as a 7 year old child, Ken agreed to it all, but he wished to add but one condition to that. So seeking the Lord from his bed Ken asked the Lord by petition, laying it up at the Lord’s feet before His Throne, that the Lord would confirm all of this to Ken by giving Ken his wife, the girl he was to marry. As Ken came out of the hospital he had entered his 19th year. Again, time frames for all of this is in distant memory so some timing may not be accurate time wise but generally this is as close as recall allows.

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Ken Meets His Wife

So weak in the flesh, but heavily armored in the spirit Ken emerged from the hospital and went to stay at his parents’ home in Salmon Arm, British Columbia. The year was 1975. Ken came out and found in his spirit life that he was already under heavy bombardment from enemy forces. As he came to his parents’ house he went to a downstairs room and laid out before the Lord again the need for the strength of the risen Christ to be his portion and Ken asked that Christ would give him strength and victory. The bombardments continued and increased with ferocity but Ken realized that Christ in him was far greater and he learned immediately that Christ was already his portion. So he rested in that and saw each and every assault vanquished as fast as they came. No sooner would an assault rise in the world of spirits when Christ in Ken destroyed the rising. Ken also had better sleep, never dreaming, but would while sleeping be fully aware and awake in his spirit in the armor and always reversing the battlements set against his life. To this very hour Ken rarely if ever has a dream, he is completely unconscious when asleep, but his spirit is vitally awake and walking in the light of God’s word bearing the sword of the spirit and is conquering many wars on many fronts. This type of night time life for Ken carried on from his youth at 19 to this present day all these years later. Many visions and prophecies came to Ken in his sleep which he would write down the next day and many of them constitute the writings which are now on his site. Ken’s converse with the Lord was no different in his waking hours as in his sleeping hours, the walk and talk with Christ has no difference to him and has not changed that way for all these long years.


So it was October of 1975 when Ken’s older sister Joanne told Ken of a youth retreat on Shuswap Lake at the United Church camp. Ken agreed to go with her and he went, the air was crisp and cool as the color of autumn leaves had begun to form on the trees, the lake was calm as glass as they drove together out to the retreat to be with other young people.


When Ken got to the retreat he went first immediately to a cabin with 5 other young guys, the cabin would have been about 50 feet from the main dining hall at the outdoor camp. Ken was standing in the door of the cabin looking back at the dining hall, there were many young people mulling about when suddenly in the doorway came out the most beautiful girl Ken had ever seen in his life. She was the most attractive girl he had ever seen. She came out of the door and in no less than a second of time seeing her the Lord rose up in Ken’s understanding and the Lord spoke and said; “That is your wife!” Ken could not believe his eyes. He said to the Lord (and he meant it) “Are you serious Lord?!?!”


Although much time has passed since that day Ken has been enthralled with Janis all these long years. He does not remember all that was said and done that weekend but Ken and Janis stayed up all night that night together in the dining hall. Janis was a nursing student in Kamloops BC, a city to the west of this camp some hour away. Ken lived nearly 40 minutes east in Salmon Arm. Janis recalled that Ken prophesied and preached to her of the Kingdom of God for most of the night. They simply spent time together and Ken was amazed that this girl was going to be his wife although he never told her that the Lord had said this to him earlier that day. At the end of the camp time that weekend Janis gave Ken a kiss on his cheek which sent him soaring. They parted and Ken went back to Salmon Arm, packed his bags and drove to Kamloops to find his bride. As he went he prayed and asked the Lord to make a way. When Ken got there he first looked for a job, found a rooming house and knew where Janis was. The days were getting shorter and colder when Ken went to work on a construction site, but he had to pursue this girl whom the Lord said was his wife! No matter what came, Ken wanted to have this beautiful girl. Now Janis at first did not want this, she was undecided and busy with her studies. Later on Ken took Janis out on a date and told her that he thought they could “make it”. A few days went by and Ken was now in a small apartment in the city. It was 4 in the morning and the intercom by the door went off repeatedly. Ken woke and went and it was Janis. She spoke on the intercom, “I think we can make it!”. Apparently that night the Lord had shown Janis that her life was not to be a nurse on some mission field, but her married life and ministry was to support Ken in the work he was called to do in the body of Christ. The words may not be exactly right here but the gist of it was that Ken was HER ministry. Ken and Janis married 2 and a half years later in Calgary Alberta, April 29th, 1978.

Janis just prior to meeting Ken
Janis when she met Ken
Ken and Janis together

Janis and her Border Collie “Meliste (Boo)

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Janis with her father on her wedding day, April 29th, 1978.

April 29th, 1978, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth B Visscher


Janis has been true to her calling. She has been more than a conqueror through Christ. While weak, He proved Himself strong, while in sorrows of many kinds, Christ has risen with victory and healing. The years have passed but Christ has remained unchanged in the marriage of Ken and Janis. The spiritual wars Ken endured never ceased all these years, but the Lord gave much comfort in the person of his wife Janis and Ken has been a comfort to her. April 29th, 2013 will mark their 35th anniversary and they still have not run out of the grace of God. Janis knew that Ken was called to an important work for the body of Christ and she has never flinched at supporting him in that work.


To be continued………..

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