Chapter #30 |
As read by Kenneth B Visscher |
The Beryl Stone - Judging The Overcomer
The Beryl Stone represents JUDGEMENT. But it must be the righteous judgement done by those qualified by the Lord and by the enduring precessing that was accomplished. That God would come to “JUDGE” the World in Righteousness.
The False Judgement {represented by the covering Stone on Lucifer, the fallen Adamic nature in mankind} - by DAN.... SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS - Judgment without UNDERSTANDING....To be ever learning, but never coming into the KNOWLEDGE of that TRUTH. To have the ability to apply TRUTH to the lives of others without the inward work being done in SELF. Dan was given land, but he never conquered it. He was not able to inherit it in the end {restoration order}................
DAN was RIGHTEOUS in his own eyes. He never applied judgement to himself. He did not conquer his own land {personal iniquity}. He sought his own place.... His life was not in God but in his own religious effort.
BERYL....Of EASTERN ORIGIN.... The stone of self-life....{In right standing with one's self}. The Stone representing the Judgement of God in fallen creation to bring creation to full liberty and life in God. The basis and means by which God does this judgement will bear the fruit of a delivered creation from death and destruction because of Adam’s Fall.
JEHOVAH TSIDKENU....The Lord our RIGHTEOUSNESS....Leviticus 35 - 36,
Jeremiah 25:5-6, Job 31:6,
Where this name is used; You shall do no unrighteousness in judgement, in weights or in measure. JUST weights and balances shall ye have. FOR I AM JEHOVAH - TSIDKENU, your GOD.
Let me be weighed in an even balance that (JEHOVAH - TSIDKENU) God may know mine integrity....
There shall come a DAY when God shall raise up a righteous BRANCH. His NAME shall be called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (JEHOVAH - TSIDKENU).
In the place of our righteousness, our supposed right standing with God, we will receive the name-nature of GOD and His righteousness through the BRANCH, JESUS CHRIST, the SON of DAVID....
There shall be a full and complete redemption wrought by Our Lord Jesus Christ. This will in time be done for all mankind and for every creature. However God has at this time set into preparation those whom He desires to take unto Himself upon His Throne. The Overcoming company. This complete redemption shall first be done in the Overcomers to bring them to that place wherein they are granted the full right to rule and reign with The Lord Jesus Christ whom God had raised from death after Christ’s passion was completed.
It is necessary however to understand how this will come about and when it will come about for the Lord is most earnest to complete His work in His Sons and Daughters and to grant them this right to rule and reign with Him. For the Lord, even though He is the only universal Sovereign and the ONE who sits upon the Throne of Creation as GOD, has determined that His purposes for this world we live in and for the cosmos itself will not come to pass until He has Glorified His Saints. If you will, the Lord will not bring total restoration to creation which has fallen until His Saints, His Overcomers, have come to that perfect state of Glorification in all parts of their beings including their minds and their bodies. The Overcoming company must enter this ethereal state in order to work to fulfill the purpose of God for the rest of creation.
The process of Glorification is about to happen, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.
“The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” Ezekiel 1:16.
God in His absolute sovereignty chose to reveal Himself by 12 names summed up as the Great I AM. And in that same Holiness He chose to “perfect” a company of people ahead of the rest of humanity and the rest of creation. The chosen small company of those who seem to be few and far between are a part of this “giant” that God is raising up, even this corporate son. They are the “church” within a “church”. They comprise the “wheel” within a “wheel”. They are the wheel inside the wheel that Ezekiel saw.
Previous to the verse above concerning the Overcomers inside the wheel within a wheel we have this verse.
“And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.” Ezekiel 1:4
God, as a fire enfolding Himself, will consume entirely the Army of the Lord FIRST. Out of the NORTH {The Seat of Judgement}, the Holy Mind of Judgement will come this amber colored fire reflecting the Beryl Stone in the faces of those who dare to approach unto God. For the Overcomers now will have boldness in this day of the Lord to approach His Throne and to take it and to be ONE with He who sits upon this Throne. For He has said “For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.” Isaiah 48:11. The Lord WILL NOT SHARE HIS GLORY with ANYONE ELSE except for one motion of His Spirit that will keep this scripture secure. He will make us ONE WITH HIMSELF. Thus the eternity in Glory that is ahead of us.
There is about to be the manifestation of God in the Overcomers bringing them into an eternal Glorified State. They will have actual physical Glorified bodies just as Jesus’ body is now. However I want to show you the judgement of God that is happening in the lives of the Overcomers who will soon be in Glorified bodies. For we need to UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR LIVES.
The Beryl Stone upon The Royal Ephod represents the Judgement of God. This judgement is first happening to those who would Overcome the prince of this world as did Jesus, so that the prince of this world, that Lucifer nature in fallen mankind, won’t find any place in the Overcoming company of Sons and Daughters. But we need to know the difference between KNOWING THIS IN OUR MINDS and SEEING THIS IN OUR SPIRITS. And the discernment between the two will come AS JEHOVAH TSIDKENU Judges the Overcomer! We need to see that our minds cannot perceive His coming or His manifestation, and that is the reason for this very writing, to show you the difference! For it is from your Spirit that He will appear, not from what you ‘think’ but what your heart ‘knows’ as present truth. Unlike Dan who the Beryl Stone represented, who did not judge himself, the Overcomer will not only judge themselves, but will finish that judgement by allowing the Fire of JEHOVAH TSIDKENU to finish that Judgement.
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.” Mark 8:35 We lose our life, but we don’t lose those things that are important to us as relates to us as “persons”. Our family life, our goals with work or workmanship, marriages, relationships with our fellow man, working for and saving for our future family life. Problems in these things become “tests” for us to endure; but they are still needful and creative as relates to the life God has set us into in this present world. To complete this race we must allow God to judge us to the very end of our “self life”. We must be laid in the dust in our natural thinking process so that we can know the Will of God instead in our hearts, and we must exchange natural thought for spiritual thought! What a work to endure!
Our natural minds can understand the Word of God, and understand the motion of God towards us, knowing His workings with the knowledge of His word but we cannot with the natural mind perceive when God DOES move in our hearts nor can our natural minds know of His appearing! Our natural thinking in other words cannot fathom or understand His appearing. It is the natural thinking that we must overcome. For when the Lord appears, and we appear with Him, it will be out of His Spirit deep in our hearts that He shall come, our natural thinking will not realize or know this.
We cannot fathom God in natural thinking, hence the Judgements of God to separate our natural thinking from His comings forth from within us. The Judgement of JEHOVAH TSIDKENU will cause our natural thinking to be relegated into its proper place in our understanding. We will know that the natural mind in which we live is just a proving ground for us to walk through, a gamut of wrestling and tumult which will in time be conquered by His appearing in us. For you see dear Overcomer, Lucifer is also in you, the fallen nature of the 1st Adam. But the Lord Jesus is also in you, the New Creation of the 2nd or last Adam. And it is the 2nd or last Adam that will conquer the first by His appearing. And as we learn to yield to the Living Christ within us the 1st nature loses more and more of its power. We also learn to not lean on natural thinking at all, but to “perceive” by the Spirit His Word within our hearts.
So then the Judgement of God works in us to bring us to that place of total submission and desire for His will to be accomplished. This Judgement brings an end to all self effort and reasoning of the carnal mind. Religious fervor and activity is based on natural thinking, not on Spiritual understanding.
The Lord is coming from the realm of Spirit into this natural world. His appearing is typified in the book of Revelation as the New Jerusalem, descending from God out of Heaven to the earth. The earth is destined to be overtaken by the coming of the Lord into this natural world so that the natural world in time will be consumed completely by the expansion of His Everlasting Dominion. And not just the earth, but the very cosmos itself in time will fit in that expansion. But it will begin dear Overcomer right in your very heart, that place which your natural thinking will never understand.
I wrote previously that our natural minds cannot perceive His comings forth from within us. To elaborate on this further I would like to add that it is this “Lucifer”, this fallen nature in us who covers himself with the Beryl Stone in a religious effort, that works intently to thwart any comings forth of The Christ from within us. Lucifer works in the natural mind. Lucifer attempts to reveal himself in religious pride as one that has endured God’s judgement and that he is now to be pitied because God’s Judgement was such a hard thing for his life to go through. This Lucifer in the life of the Overcomer attempts to reveal himself as one that has been persecuted by God because God was “angry” and needed to avenge this anger on the person of our flesh nature. However, this is not the case for the Lord does not judge or work in Lucifer, Jesus already said that the Prince of this word had NOTHING in Him. John 14:30.
Lucifer comes forth from the history, into the mystery. He is now shown in a different light and that which is history is forced to repeat itself. For now we see Lucifer in the life of the Overcomer as a “Whore”, in fact as the Whore of Revelation ch 17:6. “And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” This whore, this Lucifer if you will, martyrs any comings forth of Jesus that we would attempt to reveal. As soon as we would come forth with a work of righteousness or a realm of truth from the Living Christ that is in us, this whore is there to oppose that coming forth. She is there to martyr the comings forth of Jesus from within us. In her mouth is the blood of her martyrs. It is this whore that we need to conquer, and it is done by the Lamb of God who makes war against the whore. “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.” Revelation 17:14, and this Lamb with His few faithful chosen conquer this nature completely, and in time for all those who are alive on the earth as well.
So the Judgement of God is first on us, and our present testings and trials prove it. We are brought not just to common testings that all men endure of daily life in this world, but we have our testings combined with the Fire of the Holy Spirit to bring about a holy separation, in this case, natural thinking from Spiritual Understanding.
What is the reason for all of this? Why do we endure the testings, the trials, the separation of flesh from Spirit? What advantage do we have of laying down our self will in order to gain His will? The answer- So that we can SET CREATION FREE FROM ADAM’S FALL. For creation is still groaning under the pall of death and dying. Creation is still subject to the ravings of the carnal {earthly} mind. Creation still does not know of the promise of Heaven fulfilled. This entire process of enduring the Judgement of God in our lives is to separate out from us any personal ambition as relates to our own status in the Kingdom of God. The entire motive of God for doing this is LOVE for His creation. Which creation God Himself cursed. Dear reader, God has chosen to show forth His Glory in that small wheel within a wheel, the company of Sons and Daughters who will captivate mankind by the tremendous Love of God. Which love is based in truth, and that truth when preached as a mighty trumpet will set free man who abides in the shadow of death. This is the entire object shown by the Beryl Stone upon the Royal Ephod. That death would be no more through the Judgement of God, first in a people, then later in all mankind and creation, even unto the cosmos.
Then shall Justice rain down upon this parched soil, and Righteousness shall flow as mighty rivers and creation will be set free of death and of destruction.
“Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.”
Jeremiah 23:5,6
The former will be remembered no more. The tears will be wiped off of all faces, and the Lord God will dwell as one with His creation in an Eternal Kingdom here on the earth. Not only so, but the cosmos itself will wonder at the marvel of God that is being wrought on this stage on the earth of His magnificent Love.
All that is happening is not happening to exalt a company of people called The Overcomers. No. It is happening to end death and dying in a creation and in a world that is tired of sin, tired of war, tired of death and dying, sickness and disease. This is not a foot race against our fellow man, this is the purpose of God being worked into our lives through our Heavenly Father which will never be disannulled. God’s entire purpose wrought in the earth will be done by His Righteous Judgements. And although the Overcomers bear this first, it will nevertheless be done for all mankind. Oh joyful day when the Lord shall be revealed! For that day has come! The time is nigh dear Saints for His person to come forth from the center core of our beings into the shining out ray of His eternal life and Glory. He shall come, past our carnality, past our death and dying and He will glorify this flesh and fill our veins with the very blood of Jesus! Oh the wonder of it!
I see a day coming, a day of Glorious Liberty for humanity. A day when the Lord shall be revealed in a company of people who ride upon white Horses. The Army of The Lord, the Army of Love. Oh what a day. Religion ends on the day of their revealing. Strife ends. War ends. The Carnal Mind ends. Mankind will stand in amazement when the curtain of His hidden work is rolled back and this Army is revealed. The Overcomers will fold up the tent of their present bodily existence and exchange it for the Glorified body typified by the dimensions of The New Jerusalem. What a day of wonder we have come to!
To be continued.................
Kenneth B Visscher