Chapter #20
As read by Kenneth B Visscher

The Agate Stone - The Discerning Of His Sword

MANASSEH.... Means forgetfulness; to be restored; to have no part of the old nature left within....The putting together of many nations.

AGATE.... Even layers.... beauty of many colors. Where the river flows.....

JEHOVAH KEDDESH....TO be sanctified or separated.... The LORD who separates us from our old nature. He will divide the words in our mind from the spirit that gives them life. (Even as the BONE which is a TYPE of the WORD or structure that houses the MARROW, a type of the source of our life....Marrow is the place of origin of our blood; the natural life is in the blood.)He shall make us forget our old nature and bind us together in a new nature. Leviticus 20:7-8. Hebrews ch 4.

This is the manifestation of God that separates the source of our SPIRIT from the word itself. It exposes, sifts, analyzes and judges the THOUGHTS and PURPOSES of our HEART.....

Not a creature exists that is not exposed to His sight. All things are revealed that He may receive an immovable and impregnable Kingdom.... Put together by His own hand and not the hand of man.....


This is the 2nd Stone in the 3rd Row upon the Royal Ephod upon the chest of the High Priest but is not found covering Lucifer {carnal man}. This stone represents to us DISCERNMENT by the Judgement of God by His Sword in the heart and life of the Overcomer. This discernment by His sword will reach all of creation, but my purpose is to relate this discernment to the Overcoming company of Sons and Daughters.

At this present moment the Overcomers stand separated by time and distance one from another. They are alone, they are being processed, they are not in assemblies or structures but have been set apart by the hand of God to have in them the processings of His Sword dividing asunder flesh and spirit in them. They stand before Jehovah Keddesh to be dealt with, to have their will’s subdued, to be OVERCOME BY HIM so that they can in turn OVERCOME ALL THINGS. Loneliness is their portion.

Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, Romans 1:1

{Prophecy over Kenneth B Visscher }

QUOTE: “My son, I know that you are on this path and that you experience loneliness and alienation from those around you. Be assured my son that I have separated you unto myself by the Holy Ghost and have called you to fellowship alone with me. I will not cast everyone off from you, but only those who would control your life. Be not ashamed when you are separated, neither be dismayed when others rise in anger against you or begin to give you counsel, but not by my spirit.

Did not I hang alone upon my cross when even my closest disciples forsook me?

Yet my Father never left Me, He was always there and by My life sacrificed and laid down My Father in Heaven wrought complete redemption in the earth. Even so I am calling you to lay your life down and to be as one that is dead to this world, dead in the world.

I am Jesus, I bore the weight and the burden of sin and of rejection and yes, betrayal.

Even so you must fellowship with me in this same trial of rejection and thus be counted worthy to suffer for my name's sake. Fear not to suffer with me this way, and to know that it is by being identified with Christ that brings the most fruit for God. You asked of me largely, for the cross and to be spent for God. God has placed the mantle of His Prophetic word upon you. But it is by this suffering that you will yield to Me and overcome. ” END PROPHECY}

As individuals, the Overcomer stands and endures the Sword of the Lord piercing asunder bone and marrow, soul and spirit, a most necessary action for in our walk to be accomplished.

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. ” Revelation 19: 11-16

In the vision of these verses above that I saw, there was no sword coming forth from His mouth. The sword, or the word of God was FINISHED in this Army. That is not to say that it is finished on the rest of creation, but for the Overcomers upon white horses, the discernment of His Sword was a completed work when I saw the vision. It was the chests of those who rode with Him upon white horses that stood out to me, that each chest had been cleaved through the breastbones with the tip of a sword, that the work and discernment of the Word of God in each Overcomer had been completed.

Although I saw a completed army, I also knew that this Stone typifies a personal quiet work in the life of each Overcomer separate and alone one from another. Or if you’d rather know it this way, that there is in the life of the Overcomers the trial of being alone. No sideways fellowships. No leaning upon the arm or testimony of any-one-else.

A time spent wherein the Overcomer has to stand before God all by themselves to be judged and to have separated in them the flesh from the spirit, the bone from the marrow, the soul from that which is not soul. This time alone before God is the time wherein God teaches them His Word when they are all by themselves. God teaches them, not man, and they learn what is and what is not of His Spirit.

Once this individual work is done in them, God then joins them to those of like precious faith and they stand complete as an Army, but the Agate represents first this keen discernment which must come to an Overcomer so they can stand complete and entire lacking nothing.


So then, the Agate represents to us the PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL IN-WORKING OF THE SWORD OF THE LORD IN THE LIFE OF THE OVERCOMER. This inner working can take a lifetime and for most of the Sons and Daughters of God I know, it has been many decades of the Lord possessing their reins and subduing their wills each and every day. Some have even passed from this world in that same processing. However, the end result is the same, God calls these faithful to be part of His Government, His Overcoming Company, His Army, for the sole purpose of ending the death of creation and to bring forth all that Christ gave us through His Atonement. They are the vehicle of this outworked promise to fallen creation, through a people who first had God in-worked into every aspect of their lives.


There are two kinds of tribulations that happen in the world. One is common to man, the other is progressive and happens to those who have been Baptized in the Holy Spirit and have come into the walk of an Overcomer, they who are destined to rule equal with the Lord upon the Throne. The tribulation that is upon the life of an Overcomer is double that of those who just live in the world.

The common tribulation does not require the representation of the Agate Stone for it to happen or be accomplished. But for the Overcomer, the Agate Stone is represented in their very expression of progressive tribulation.

The world endures tribulation relating to life and supply in the nations in which they live. The tribulation of finance, needs being met, labor to be either found or done, relationships in families and marriages, politics, economics and the like. These are common to all mankind and everyone endures this to some degree or another.

But the Overcomer has an added burden. The Overcomer must also bear the tribulation that comes to them because of the impaling of the Sword of the Lord.

The Sword of the Lord, JEHOVAH KEDDESH, comes to separate in the core of the Overcomer that which is flesh from that which is spirit or of the New Nature. The Overcomer has to walk through this piercing of the Sword to have separated in them that which must die from that which cannot die. And it is through trials and testings that this Sword works in them. The end result of this Sword is what separates the Overcomer from that which is of God and His Kingdom from that which is of the temporal world.

The temporal world, that world which has within it the basic tribulation all mankind endures, is the world which is passing away. This world. This humanity. The world in its tribulation does not know the depth of the tribulation that the Overcomer must endure to have worked in them the separation of the World from their Faith. It is noteworthy to realize that the world in its basic tribulation of just living IN this world is accepting of denominational systems of Christendom. They do not see any error or wrong in the systems of man that promote a false gospel because it fits their pattern of protecting SELF. The tribulation of the world will not cause the Adamic nature to perish. But instead the Adamic nature in mankind is bolstered and encouraged by the denominational structures of Christendom because Christendom is also retaining that same fallen Adamic nature. There is no Agate Stone covering Lucifer, who in this case is all mankind in its basic tribulation, and Christendom in its religiosity. The Sword of JEHOVAH KEDDESH does not work in this earth or in Lucifer to separate flesh from spirit, bone from marrow. Lucifer simply does not have this Stone.

Here are two verses of scripture which describe the common tribulation that all mankind endures. These two verses are often used as excuses to pamper oneself to not go too “deep” into God to be delivered of the malady caused by the fallen Adamic nature. Lucifer has twisted these in the minds of Christendom so that their true import is never realized in an individual’s life.

“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.1st Corinthians 10:13

“Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.” 2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10

 This latter verse(s) on tribulation comes to the inhabitants of the World when they persecute the true Overcomers through personal rejection and disfellowships.

But there are scores of verses which declare the righteous tribulation of the Overcomer and give remedies as to their comfort during this time. Here is one verse that stands out to me.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. ” 2nd Corinthians 1: 3-5.

Also the words of Jesus,

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. ” John 16:33

Or in the AMPLIFIED Bible

I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]

Christ has overcome the world FOR US, but we still MUST WALK THROUGH IT.

The reason for the Overcomer standing alone is so that the Sword of the Lord can do a work in them with no outside interference. God separates the Overcomer from everyone else for a time, there may be one or two to fellowship with, but the times of communing horizontally face to face are few and far between.

But let us see what it is the Sword of the Lord does in it’s piercing asunder the bone and marrow, the soul and spirit in the life of one thus Judged.

The marrow is the place where blood is manufactured in the body. The fall of Adam was akin to blood not being pure, but blood that had the Mystery of Iniquity working in it.

This Mystery of Iniquity is the reason for mankind being born after the similitude of father Adam and not after God who created man from the dust of the Earth. But God said: “ For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the LORD dwelleth in Zion.”Joel 3:21

If you will, the Lord, in the thrusting of His Sword divides asunder bone from marrow so that the source of the Mystery of Iniquity can be found. The very fall itself is now cleaved by the sharp edge of the Sword of the Lord so that the very Mystery of Iniquity itself can be completed in the life of an Overcomer. The root of iniquity then comes to the surface so that Repentance can replace it with Humility and Love can replace Fear. This is the reaching forth of the Sword of the Lord into the very “cavity” where God was not. That place where Adam was created to lack from Jehovah. In this case, JEHOVAH KEDDESH, removes from fallen man all that related to God being absent from one small part during his original creation when man was formed out of the dust of the earth.

Note in the verse above from Joel 3:21 that The Lord is dwelling IN ZION. Zion represents to us “The Kingdom of His Anointing”. In other words, the Lord is seeking for those who would dwell with Him there as ones who have been CLEANSED. Thus the tribulation which is much greater in the life of an Overcomer verses those in common Christendom or the world itself. Tribulation which CLEANSES the Overcomer from all the taints of the fall and from the power of the Mystery of Iniquity.

The other reach of the Sword of the Lord is into the area of Soul verses Spirit. The soul of man, his seat of emotions, his intellect, is tainted by the fall. Man heaps up treasures for himself to live in this world even through retirement years and to live in as much luxury as he can find. The soul, rather than having a balance in it’s emotional make up, has become self centered and defensive, without discernment and with no stamina to endure any deep pressures which tribulation brings. The Soul of man in this depraved condition has gotten this way because of the fall, because of the Mystery of Iniquity which was created in the “cavity” in man in his original form. But the soul is what Jesus saves. It is the soul of man which Jesus must deliver from this self centered corruption. And Jesus does this with His Sword.

He thrusts that sword into the Soul to separate the soul from that which is spirit in a man. To separate the soul from that which holds it in corruption and death.

Now the spirit {the human will} in a man is also subject to corruption and filthiness until the person learns THE WALK OF OBEDIENCE. The walk of Obedience is the fruit of being pierced by the Sword. For the Sword of Jesus brings much tribulation causing one to Obey God in Fear and in Awe. The spirit is cleansed to not walk in Self Will {iniquity} but in a pure will, created after the need for Obedience.

So then in the life of an Overcomer, the Soul is displayed as having partaken of the fall and of corruption, and the Spirit in man of having become defiled because of the same corruption found in the Soul. And both of these the Overcomer must Overcome!

But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.” 1 Corinthians 6:17

The Lord from Zion sees this defilement in His creation and by His Sword He delivers them from this filthiness of soul and spirit. God then brings the soul of the Overcomer into oneness with the living Christ in such a way that the very nature of Christ Himself is {in the final outcome} the only nature seen.


The greatest travesty in the World today is the fact that man does not Fear God. By Fear I mean reverence, awe, respect. The Fear of God cannot be found in the earth except by those who have endured the Sword of the Spirit of Jesus. In other words, the working of the Sword of Jehovah Keddesh brings with it CHASTISEMENT. It is Chastisement that teaches one to FEAR THE LORD. And that FEAR is the beginning of Wisdom!

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. ”   Proverbs 9:10

This is what separates the Overcomer from all the rest. They FEAR GOD and they HAVE WISDOM.


The Sword of the Lord can also be typified by the Trees found in the Garden of Eden. In the original creation, all the trees of the Garden can represent to man lights, revelations, understandings, characters of nature and aptitude. But the two main trees, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life are the ones which the Overcomer must discern. The Tree of Life is the only Tree found at the end of the Book of Revelation, but tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is nowhere to be found!

To be continued.....................Kenneth B Visscher

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