~The New Jerusalem~
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Chapter:# 53
Preparations Of The Heart |
And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as
crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1
The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of
the tongue, is from the LORD. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes;
but the LORD weigheth the spirits. Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy
thoughts shall be established. The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea,
even the wicked for the day of evil. Every one that is proud in heart is an
abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart
from evil. Proverbs 16:1-6
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every
one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but
he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in
that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have
cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken
him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended,
and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell
not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings
of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built
his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the
winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of
it. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were
astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not
as the scribes. Matthew 7:20-29
But by whom
may the day of his coming be faced? and who may keep his place when he is seen?
for he is like the metal-tester's fire and the cleaner's soap. He will take his
seat, testing and cleaning the sons of Levi, burning away the evil from them as
from gold and silver; so that they may make offerings to the Lord in
righteousness. Then the offering of
( 2 Visions )
“I saw then from the outside
of the City the flowing river of the waters of life, coursing from below the
legs and the base of the paved work wherein the Throne was set. As I stood upon
this place on the outside of the walls of the City I saw that the waters were
the only thing from within the City that flowed to the earth and to creation in
such abundance. But the thing I saw which amazed me was that the waters did not
flow as would normal waters upon the natural creation. The scriptures declare
that the waters flow forth out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb. However, I
saw that the waters FLOWED IN TWO DIRECTIONS AT ONCE. Not only did they flow
OUT from the Lord, but they also flowed BACK UNTO THE LORD. These waters had
their source in the Lord, but also returned back unto the source from whence
they came. The Lord Jesus Christ is the fountain of living waters, and these
waters, in time, returned back unto Him. Not to refresh Him or encourage Him as
would a pilgrim in the earth, but to bring back a fruitful harvest, a nourished
people, a creation fully recompensed and restored. For in the coming back of
the waters of this river of life came also the fulfilled redemption that Christ
wrought for all men in all dimensions of time and no one was exempted from
taking part in the living waters that flowed OUT then flowed BACK in perfect
succession, even unto the Throne of God and of the Lamb.”
( End Vision )
“The Overcomers were standing upon the earth and gross amounts of
flesh and of carnality was arising within them. Up through the center of their
beings flowing upwards were darkened areas of iniquity and carnality. Beneath
all of this upward flowing of the filth of flesh was the fire of the Lord,
stoked seven times hotter, prodded and poked with a fire poker by the Lord
Himself who by His Spirit provided the flames and by His judgments fed flesh
and carnality as fuel for this raging fire. The fire rose hotter and hotter as
time went by in the lives of they who would Overcome to inherit all things.
Instead of the sweet gentleness of joy and peace they would desire, carnality,
flesh and the despised nature which was fallen and iniquitous was seen. The
Lord was boiling all of it by His fire to the surface and into the heads of
these who were thus under the torch of His flame. At the same time however,
below the fire flowed upwards the bright springs of living waters. So as the
fire burned, so did the water flow, and the fires and the waters of the Lord
flowed together in the lives of they that overcame so that their lives were not
in total futility in this hour of the judgment that the Lord is bringing to
those who overcome. The living waters were prophesied by Jesus to flow out of
the bellies of the believers. However, this flow was not yet happening in
fullness until the gross darkness of the flesh and carnality was completely
burned to the top in the lives of all these who endured such judgments against
them. ( End Vision )
The Lord Jesus Christ is the
fount of living waters. He alone is that one who will flow forth in such
abundance to assuage the dearth that covers the earth and to nullify and to
discomfit all that is fallen away from the source of life that He alone is. He
is that resurrection, that life which will in time deplete all that abides in
death in this natural created sphere of the earth, and in time, through the
very expanse of the cosmos. For all that was created and seen with the natural
eye will also experience the flow of the waters of life who is Jesus Himself.
Know this dear Overcomer, that
this fount is in you. It is a flowing fount that cannot be stopped. However
there is also in you at this time another area which I wish to address. And
that is that if you are called to overcome all things, to inherit all things
and to rule and reign with the Lord as part of His Army, then at this present
time you will indeed feel very far removed from anything that even resembles pure
victory in Jesus. At this time if you are indeed honest with yourself, you will
note that there is more flesh, more carnality and more personal self doubt than
ever before in your life. Instead of finding yourself poised to reveal holiness
in all aspects of your life in this world, you find yourself overcome with
carnal thoughts, thoughts of self preservation and grief over your very life in
this world as it is in this very hour. Instead of being this candle lighted
brightly so that all in the house may see, you are indeed overcome with the
sense of your own carnal reasonings and your own iniquity which seems to be at
the forefront in your life. To read the words of the Lord who said “He that
believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers
of living water”, seems like something that you’d never know or experience.
In reality, what is in front
of your face is your own sense of failure. Your own sense of falling far short
of what the Lord demands of you in perfection. Instead of thinking with the
mind of Christ, you are having carnal thoughts, thoughts concerning the world
and the problems in it. Thoughts that are far removed from the
This scene does not fit the
deceived. The deceived have no problem getting new revelation. They have no
problem understanding their magnificence in Christ. Nothing bars them from
entering into the greater things. There is a flowing of spirit one to the other
who are equally fallen into this snare and all the while they are thinking that
they are walking in a present motion of the Spirit of the Lord. In the
deceived, there is nothing more to be DONE or ADDED to them. The “it is
finished” words of Jesus did it all, nothing is to be practically worked out or
put down as this has been given to them freely and therefore they can believe
as they will for it is all God.
So then contrast the true
overcomer to the deceived son or daughter of God. The true overcomer is faced
with a war that is within their own person. The true overcomer has Christ
buried in them awaiting resurrection. The true overcomer does not find it easy
at all to come past their own carnal thinking or their own fleshly lusts.
Instead of feeling that they are being groomed for rulership, they feel buried
by their own failure. The deceived son or daughter of God has no problem this
way. Christ is everywhere in everybody so there is no effort to reveal or
manifest the Christ because He is already all things in all men so there is
nothing more to be added. Note dear reader this very subtle difference. See it
for what it is. When one is in a state of deception, they think that there is
nothing more to be added to their lives. When one is honest with the Lord, they
are in repentance and are seeking for His full promise – “yet to be”.
As we enter the paradise of
the Lord, the first thing we see coming out from that paradise is the river of
the waters of life, the flowing Spirit of The Lord Jesus Christ unto mankind
whom He redeemed. It is His very promise we hold to, that out of our bellies
this river of life would flow unabated. Also that our thirst would be eternally
quenched by drinking of those waters. We have drunk of the salvation of the
Lord, and our thirst that way is quenched, but be honest. You are NOT YET
SATISFIED. Why is that? Because you still wrestle with FLESH. The whole design
of The New Jerusalem has a two fold purpose. First, to reveal the Holiness of
the Lord and His Kingdom. And secondly to show you how far short of that Holiness
you truly are. If you are deceived, you will not know of this shortfall. If you
are a conqueror in Christ , you will know that the more forward your walk in
overcoming, the further you have yet to travel! In all honesty, I see that
there are only but a very few who are truly overcoming in this hour, the rest
seem to be buried in deception and in the malady of not perceiving that their
flesh is waylaying their forward progress. We are not yet done this walk, we
have yet a mile to go. There is yet in front of each true overcomer the need to
cast down all thoughts and bring all thoughts into obedience unto the Lord in
us. Casting down every vain imagination. Let me show you that verse and break
it down in the way the Lord has given it to me.
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through
God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness
to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2 Corinthians
10:4-6 This is
the gist of they that face their own flesh. That face their own lack of
holiness and a super abundance of their own carnality. That we have the weapons
of our warfare, the word of the Lord and that we resist with all authority
these things which combine themselves with the minions of hell to dissuade our
walk. These are things we do IN SPIRIT. Practically speaking, they are things
we do IN THE FAITH OF GOD to denounce and to mortify (kill) that which is so
offensive IN OURSELVES. To see these waters of life of His Kingdom flow in you,
the clump of earth called your own carnality needs to come under the flow of
this river which is in you. This flowing river of the waters of life has to
overpower and overcome the carnal thinking mind. For the very first thing that
happens to you when you come before the Lord is that your carnal thinking mind
brings up images of that which at the present moment is a trial to you. Those
things which you have no answer for becomes to you areas of false conviction
and guilt. Because of small things, things unanswered, your carnal mind soars
and takes away your heart and conscious thoughts from waiting on the Lord.
These vain images then sprout up quickly in your thinking and you ‘imagine’
what is or is not taking place in the circumstances effecting your life. These
are the things you must cast down.
How do we cast down these vain
imaginings? By confessing the love of God that is in us. That the Lord does not
hold us accountable for circumstances beyond our control. He sits as a refiner
in this time to boil these carnal thoughts to the surface. It is not just the
overcomer who has this fire stoked in them, but mankind in general and even the
deceived sons and daughters. They too have the fire stoked in them, and
carnality rises. This carnality is then seen for what it is by the overcomer,
but for those who do not discern it that very carnality becomes a religious
effort. It becomes a false Christ, an antichrist in them which causes them to
lose their true single vision of the Lord. That is why there are so few that
are overcoming and who will be part of the Army of the Lord. Because they are
not able to get past the boiled up carnality. The Lord has ignited the earth in
His fire, only they that overcome are seeing it for what it is. That it is the
dross of their life that is boiling to the surface. By obedience to 2
Corinthians 10:4-6 they are casting down these vain imaginings and OBEYING the
Lord to walk according to the life of Christ in them. When this is seen for
what it is, the skimming bar of the Lord removes this carnality, which is the
same as bringing every thought into captivity into the obedience of Christ. If
it is not seen for what it is, then deception is the result. Carnality
continues to sprout up past the true knowledge of God (which is humility) and
then the person exalts themselves beyond the true knowledge of God. The results
are doctrines invented and revelations received which exalt one to a status and
a place in the Lord which is not true. These become ‘elite’ in their lives and
in their special place and calling. Was this not the sin of Lucifer? He awoke
to find himself beautiful and therefore he exalted himself to the Throne of
Heaven. Isaiah 14:13,14. Such is the poor response of casting down vain
imaginings and consulting with carnality as if it were the Lord.
Hear this well dear reader. We
are coming to a place where in truth we will be a fount of living waters, that
Christ will flow from us unabated. This will be however AFTER the carnal
darkness of your earthly mind is brought into captivity and obedience to the
Spirit of the Lord in you. Believe this when I tell you, that this captivity I
speak of is the qualifying entrance into the gates of the City. It is obedience
to rounding up and casting down of these vain imaginings that will bring you
into the street that is straight, that flows with a single gold paved work,
transparent in holiness, even up to the very Throne of God.
You have read in the past of
my writings that when the Lord comes and manifests His Army in bodies glorified
that everything in the world will cease IN ONE HOUR, well I wish to expand on
that. Bear in mind what was just written before. This utter and total
destruction of the world of men in one hour after the manifestation of the Sons
in Adam is all that will cease in this one hour of time. The Army of the Lord
is not going to march forth toppling skyscrapers and sinking bridges. They will
remove THE VEIL OF DEATH FROM THE CURSE OF THE FALL. Practically speaking. The
will of men which causes them to manifest personal iniquity will be removed in
that singular hour. This veil of death will cause men to not have a personal
will. For it will be put upon them by the voice of Him that speaks and utters
His voice before His camp, for His camp is very great, few in numbers, but very
great indeed. When the Lord manifests the camp of His Overcomers, they will
destroy all death from off of creation.
“And he will
destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the
vail that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death in victory; and
the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his
people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it.”
Isaiah 25:7-8. This will happen at the manifestation of the Sons of God. The world is
truly a stage set, the actors are real Overcomers, and the play is about to
Cast down your vain
imaginings, the Lord is at hand. And He WILL FLOW UNABATED through you in a
measure not seen in the world since Jesus walked the earth.
To be continued ………….Kenneth B Visscher