Ninety six scriptures that prove Jesus will save all!
47 old testament reasons
1) Is 46:10.....God will do all His pleasure
2) Dan 4:35.....God's will done in heaven & Earth and none can stop Him
3) Prv 16:9.....Man devises, but God directs his steps
4) Prv 19:21.....Man devises, but God's counsel will stand
5) Prv 16:33.....The whole disposing thereof is of the Lord
6) Ps 37:23.....The steps of man are ordered of the Lord
7) Ps 33:15.....God fashions all hearts
8) Job 5:17-18.....God wounds then makes whole
9) Hos 6:1-2.....God tears, but in the 3rd day He heals
10) Deut 32:39.....God kills & makes alive, He wounds, then heals
11) Ps 90:3.....God turns man to destruction, then says...return
12) Jer 18:2-6.....God mars vessels & then remakes them
13) Lam 3:31-32.....God will not cast off forever
14) Ps 102:18-20.....God will loose those appointed to death
15) Is 2:2.....All nations will flow to the Lord's house
16) Joel 3:21.....God will cleanse blood that has not been cleansed
17) Gen 18:18.....All families of the earth will be blessed
18) Is 45:22.....All the earth commanded to look and be saved
19) Is 45:23.....Unto God All will bow & every tongue swear
20) Is 40:3-5.....Highway of God enables all flesh to see His Glory
21) Ps 138:4.....All kings will praise God
22) Ps 72:17.....All nations will call Him blessed
23) Ps 86:9.....All nations will worship God & All men blessed
24) Is 52:10.....All earth will see the salvation of God
25) Ps 65:2-4.....All flesh will come to God
26) Is 11:9.....Earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord
27) Ps 66:3-4.....Enemies will submit & All earth will worship
28) Is 19:14-25.....Egypt and Assyria will be restored
29) Ezk 16:55.....Sodom will be restored
30) Ps 68:18.....God will lead captivity captive to dwell in man
31) Is 54:5.....He will be called the God of the whole earth
32) Ps 22:25-29.....All will remember & turn unto the Lord
33) Ps 145:9-10.....God is good to all & merciful to His works
34) Ps 145:14.....Raises all that fall & All that be bowed down
35) Ps 145:15.....Eyes of all wait upon God & He will give them their meat in due season
36) Ps 145:16.....Will satisfy desire of all living
37) Ps 145:9.....The Lord is good to all
38) Ps 145:10.....All thy works shall praise thee
39) Ps 24:1.....The earth is the Lord's and the fullness therof
40) Is 25:6.....The Lord will make unto all people a feast
41) Is 25:7.....He will destroy the vail that's cast over All
42) Is 25:8.....He will swallow up death in victory43) Is 25:8.....He will wipe away tears from all faces
44) Jer never entered His mind to pass sons & Daughters through the fire of Molech
45) Ps 135:6.....The Lord did what pleased Him in heaven/earth/sea that His Father gives Him
46) Is 26:9.....When God's judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness
47) Ps 89:2.....Mercy shall be built up forever
49 new testament reasons
1) Eph 1:11.....God works all after the counsel of His will
2) Jn 8:29.....Jesus always does which pleases His Father
3) 1Tim 2:4.....God will have all to be saved
4) 1Jn4:14.....Jesus sent to be the Savior of the World
5) Jn 12:47.....Jesus came to save all
6) 1Tim 2:6.....Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all
7) Jn5:36.....He'll finish the works He was sent to do
8) Jn 4:42.....Jesus is the Saviour of the world
9) Jn 12:32.....Jesus will draw all to Himself
10) Heb 7:25.....Jesus is able to save to the uttermost
11) Col 1:15.....Jesus the forst born of all creation
12) Col 1:16.....By Him all things were created
13) Rm 5:15-21.....In Adam all condemned, in Christ all live
14) 1Cor 15:22.....In Adam all die, in Christ All live
15) Eph 1:10.....All come into Him at the fulness of times
16) 1Cor 15:26.....Last enemy, death, will be destroyed
17) Phl 2:9-11.....Every tongue shall confess Jesus as Lord
18) 1Cor 12:3......Cannot confess except by the Holy Ghost
19) Rm 11:26.....All Israel shall be saved
20) Acts 3:20-21.....Restitution (reconstitution) of all
21) Lk 2:10.....Jesus will be the joy to all people
22) Eph 2:7.....His grace to be shown in the ages to come
23) Heb 8:11-12.....All will know God
24) Lk 3:6.....All flesh shall see the salvation of God
25) Titus 2:11.....Grace has appeared to all
26) Rm 8:19-21.....Creation freed from corruption
27) Col 1:20.....All reconciled unto God
28) 1Cor 4:5.....All will have praise of God
29) Jms 5:11.....End of the Lord is full of mercy
30) Rev 15:4.....All nations worship when judgements seen
31) 11Cor 5:17.....New creation in Christ (eph1:10)
32) Rm 11:32.....All subjected to unbeleif, mercy on all
33) Rm 11:36.....All out of God, thru Him, and into Him
34) Eph 4:10.....Jesus will fill all things
35) Rev 5:13.....All creation seen praising God36) 1Cor 15:28.....God will be all in all
37) Rev 21:4-5.....No more tears, all things made new
38) Jn 5:28.....All dead who hear will live
39) Jn 5:28.....All in the grave will hear and come forth
40) 1Cor 3:15.....All saved, yet so as by fire
41) Mk 9:49.....Everyone will be salted with fire
42) Rm 11:15.....Reconciliation of the world
43) 11Cor 5:15.....Jesus died for all
44) Heb 2:2.....He is the heir of all things
45) Jn 3:35.....All has been given into His hand
46) Jn 17:2.....Jesus will give eternal life to all
47) Jn 6:44-45.....All to be taught of God and will come
48) 1Tim 4:9-11.....Jesus is the Saviour of all
49) Acts 13:47.....Salvation unto the ends of the earth